The Tablet Handoff module allows project editors to set up a series of designs that get filled out by a participant during a particular event. For example, a participant who taking part of a baseline event may be asked to fill out a series of questionnaires. The module allows the research staff member to give the participant a tablet that guides through multiple pages of questions. At the end of the last questionnaire, the tablet instructs the participant to hand the tablet back to the staff member.

Setting Up

The Tablet Handoff is enabled on the project settings page. Once enabled, an event must be created and designs must be added to the event. An existing event may also be used.

While editing the event, add one or more designs and set the designs as either No Handoff or Handoff Enabled. The designs will be presented in the order they are listed. Drag the designs to reorder them on the event.

The event can also include designs that are not part of the tablet handoff, for instance, designs that are filled in by the research staff. Only events shown as Handoff Enabled will be presented to the participant.

Launching a Tablet Handoff

From the subject page, select New Event select the appropriate event, specify a date, and click Launch Event. On the event page, click Launch Tablet Handoff to start the event. A warning will be displayed, indicating to setup Restricted Profiles (Android), or Guided Access (iOS). Once this is done, click Launch Tablet Handoff and hand the tablet to the participant.