Slice provides a simple syntax to quickly filter subjects and sheets. Multiple filters can be combined to find subjects and sheets matching the criteria.




bmi:missing grade:9,10 study_visit:>=2016-10-10 study_visit:<=2016-10-14


Sheets and subjects can be filtered by providing values and operators along with the variable of interest. For example bmi:23.0 finds all sheets that have a BMI equal to 23.0. To find a BMI greater than or equal to 23.0 the filter can be written as bmi:>=23.0. The following operators work as well. bmi:>23.0 bmi:<23.0 bmi:<=23.0

Multiple Values

Use commas to separate values to filter by multiple values. Do not put spaces between the values and commas. The filter grade=9,10,11,12 will return results where the grade equals 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Not Equal

Use the != operator to filter results where BMI does not equal 23.0 Ex: bmi:!=23.0


Dates can also be compared using these operators. For example the following provides results with a study_visit on or after October 14, 2016: study_visit:>=2016-10-14

Special Values

Special Values: :entered, :present, :missing, :unentered.


The :entered keyword finds sheets that have data entered for a variable. This filter find sheets with actual values 23.0, 0.0, as well as entered missing codes -9.


The :present keyword finds sheets that have a value entered for a variable that is NOT a missing code. The example bmi:present returns sheets that have values 23.0 and 0.0.


The :missing keyword finds sheets that have missing codes or are unentered. The example bmi:missing returns sheets that have missing code values -9 and sheets that have no values entered for BMI.

Unentered / Blank

The :unentered and :blank keywords find sheets that have no values entered for a variable. The example bmi:unentered returns sheets that have no values entered for BMI.


For projects that have checks setup, sheets can be filtered as follow:

To filter on sheets that are failing a check, type: checks:present

To filter on a single check, type: checks:NAME where NAME is the check name.


For projects that have events setup, sheets can be filtered as follow:

To filter on sheets on an event, type: events:present

To filter sheets not on an event, type: events:missing

To filter on a single event, type: events:NAME where NAME is the event name.

To filter subjects who don't have an event, type: events:!NAME where NAME is the event name.

To filter on a single design, type: designs:NAME where NAME is the design name.

To filter subjects who don't have an design, type: designs:!NAME where NAME is the design name.

Adverse Events

To filter sheets by adverse events, type: has:adverse-events no:adverse-events

To filter subjects by adverse events, type: has:adverse-events no:adverse-events adverse-events:open adverse-events:closed


To filter sheets and subjects by comments, type: has:comments no:comments

File Attachments

To filter sheets and subjects by attached files, type: has:files no:files

Time Duration

Time duration is stored in total seconds. To filter sheets by duration greater than 1 hour, type: :>3600 :>3600s :>60m :>1h

Time of Day

Time of day is stored in total seconds since midnight. Entering an integer will filter by total seconds since midnight, however you can also filter by entering using 12- or 24-hour clock times. For example, to filter sheets by time of day type: :>1pm :>13:00 :<=2:05:04pm :<=14:05:04 :noon :midnight

Imperial Height

Imperial height is stored in total inches. To filter sheets by height greater than or equal to 6 feet, type: :>=72 :>=72in :>=6ft

Imperial Weight

Imperial weight is stored in total ounces. To filter sheets by weight less than or equal to 4 pounds, type: :<=64 :<=64oz :<=4lb

Completion Coverage Percent

Sheets can be filtered by their completion percent. Use missing to find sheets that haven't had their coverage computed. coverage:<80 coverage:>=60 coverage:missing

Multiple Variables

To find results where BMI is missing and grade is either 9 or 10, and a study visit during the week of October 10, 2016 use the following set of filters. Filters should be separated by a space.

bmi:missing grade:9,10 study_visit:>=2016-10-10 study_visit:<=2016-10-14